Online Curation & Social Annotation

A Guide to Integrating Social Annotation in the Classroom
PowerPoint Presentation Introducing Social Annotation
Social Annotation Marking Rubric And Checklist
5 Tips for Creating Meaningful Reading Assignments with Perusall
How do we get students to engage meaningfully with our course texts? If you’ve been using Perusall for a while, you already know that this technology solves one of the most fundamental challenges we face as teachers—getting students to do the reading—but you may still be struggling to meaningfully incorporate Perusall assignments into your course. Here are some of the strategies I’ve learned after four years of developing Perusall assignments both as a faculty member and as a faculty developer helping other instructors use Perusall.
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Perusall | Research
Motivate students with a social learning experience to increase engagement, drive collaboration, and build community through course content, including books, articles, web pages, videos, podcasts, and images.
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Social Learning Summit 2022 : Hypothesis
Recordings of Showcase and workshop sessions in which educators share how they use social annotation in the classroom. A useful source for best social annotation practices.
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Perusall blog
Perusall blog: a resource for teachers using for social annotation
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How to use social annotation in the classroom
Want to make online readings a little more engaging? Social annotation (SA) may offer one solution. SA tools allow students to highlight and comment on online course materials, sharing questions an…
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Sample Social Annotation With Hypothesis
Bringing Theories to Practice: Universal Design Principles and the Use of Social Annotation to Support Neurodiverse Students | Faculty Focus
Social annotation tools provide instructors with a platform for applying principles of UDL in their courses to support neurodiverse learners.
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