Moving Past Confirmation Bias

Confirmation Bias - Biases & Heuristics | The Decision Lab
After defining confirmation bias, this article summarizes studies on the psychology behind confirmation bias and our tendency to become even more convinced of our biases when challenged. It also discusses filter bubbles and the role social media plays in keeping people in those bubbles.
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What Is Confirmation Bias?
Wishful thinking. | Psychology Today
Shahram Heshmat, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of health economics of addiction at the University of Illinois at Springfield,
explains in this article how our desire for something to be true influences our belief that it is. Wishful thinking can lead us to look for confirmation and avoid that which shakes our belief. He argues that while it is natural to want our beliefs confirmed, it is important to be willing to look for evidence that they may be wrong.
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How Confirmation Bias Affects You Every Single Day | Psychology Today
F. Diane Barth, L.C.S.W., psychotherapist, teacher, and author defines confirmation bias and the tendency people have to cling to their beliefs even when proven wrong. She offers advice on countering confirmation bias, including reflecting on our reactions to new facts listening, and having empathy.
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Why You Think You're Right: Even if You're Wrong | TedxPSU
In this talk, writer Julie Galef, co-founder of the center for Center for Applied Rationality, presents two ways in which people may respond to evidence and manage their beliefs. Those with a warrior mindset defend their beliefs at all costs and perceive opposing views or evidence as enemies. The scout mindset is curious and seeks to understand the world accurately. Drawing on a historic example of injustice bourne out of a warrior mindset, and the man with a scout mindset who strove to set it right, Galef helps us consider our attitudes and how they impact how we manage information.
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